
May 13, 2010


WebBased IRC

the mIRC client supports multi-threads. just right click the mIRC tray icon then click the channel name just above 'exit' it can switch back the channel I want. I cann't switch it back by press alt-tab keys.

register username

/msg nickserv register
  1. To keep your email address private, rather than displaying it publicly, mark it as hidden:
    /msg nickserv set hidemail on
  2. It's useful, but not required, to have an alternate nick grouped to your account. For example, if your primary nick is foo:
    /nick foo_
    and then
    /msg nickserv group
  3. If you're running an older version of xchat and you've requested a cloak, you may need to follow these instructions so that your client will properly identify to Nickserv before joining any channels. Recent versions of xchat appear to handle things just fine.

  4. Configure your client to identify itself to nickserv automatically whenever it connects to freenode so that it's less likely you'll connect to the network without being identified to nickserv. The easiest approach is to specify your nickserv password as a server password.

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